Epit de la Loire is a resident of the castle the elegant old monastery church and the Roman vineyard quality. Due to the warm weather and moisture from the ocean. Regions Epit de la Loire has a variety of terrain, mountains and vineyards of the watershed to the special atmosphere. Completely natural here than lectures. In particular, the National Brière and Vendée-Val de Sèvre But while the community, big key for many more such as Angers, the capital of Provence-Anjou, Nantes city, pleasant and beautiful with flowers colorful under the custody of strong fortress since ancient times, Saumur city comfortable place to live, Le Mans Pearl of Anjou regional festivals are also a lively show with singing and dancing and playing numerous summer. It is also excellent sources of many types of food such as minced pork Rillettes special seasoning chicken meat packed within delicious apple. Freshwater soft. Young calves, all of which are components of the local cuisine and a wide range of delicious recipes. The sailing paradise of Au fil de l'eau. Regions Epit de la Loire River flows through rivers such as Loire River Man ¸ Sar to make it a source of transportation interests and sources of surf boat trip You can cruise to enjoy the nature every nook and cranny of this nation has many forms. Whether it's electric sightseeing boat near downtown tattoo 2-3 hours eating delicious food on board. Canoeing downstream the river throughout the day. Or rent a boat cruise along the river to enjoy the nature walk and visit to visit the city. Or to visit the castle and the beautiful different places. The waterfront as Yenjai emotional comfort.